Feedback Needed on Noise Ordinance Revisions

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City staff has released revisions to the Noise Ordinance and they’d like your feedback. The revision process began in 2019 and included significant community engagement. Changes in a nutshell include:

• Establishes objective decibel standards and clarifies sound measurement criteria for commercial and industrial noise sources.
• Restricts construction in all districts to 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday – Saturday; requires an after-hours permit for construction outside of these times.
• Establishes new permitting requirements for music venues.
• Establishes new permitting requirements for sound events that will exceed the noise ordinance, including commercial fireworks displays.
• Replaces Noise Ordinance Appeals Board process with objective decibel limits and Music Venue and Sound Exceedance permitting for commercial and industrial sound sources.
• Increases escalating civil penalties for noise violations from $50/$100/$200/$300 to $100/$200/$300/$500.

Important to note is that decibel sound levels are higher downtown. The proposed ordinance makes it a violation for private operators to direct sound into an adjacent occupied residential dwelling unit at all times, as well as direct sound into a right-of-way, street, or other public space between 10pm and 7am. Downtown operators will also need to comply with new Music Venue and Sound Exceedance permit requirements and will be subject to permit revocation and civil fines for violations. The new Noise Administrator will be available as a resource to downtown residents and businesses.

Read more about the revisions to the Noise Ordinance and link to the survey for feedback here.